Reminder and Update: Weekly EVENT Meditation

Relationship of Planet X Within our Solar System


Alia’s Comments: Each week our numbers are growing for these Sunday meditations. We are seeing steady progress in physical reality as a result of our participation. As Cobra suggests, our intention and support goes directly into action through the services of the Light Forces, who, if I recall correctly, have a primary base of operations on “Planet X.”

“Planet X” (AKA the Ninth Planet) has received major air time lately — much speculation and disinformation have been circulating in mainstream and alternative news alike. So this week’s update by Cobra on 2012portal was of great interest to me and thus I pass it along in this reminder post.

Bottom line: SHARE!

Many of you are already doing that. I see the “share” trails on Facebook and now encourage you to pass on these weekly reminders to all your circles and contact lists.

Education and awareness are critical now. People are looking for ways to help, things to do. “What can I do?” is often the first response of those who learn about the reality of our situation. Joining our focus of intention to speed up the occurrence of the EVENT is a simple way to help, something that we can DO. It’s a matter of committing to the time slot on Sunday. If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for you but if you can, please make the commitment. I see evidence of a growing commitment on our part. Continue reading

Reminder: Weekly EVENT Meditation: Add YOUR Intention


It’s almost Sunday again — time to take stock of the week and prepare once again to join in unity with all sentient beings who are gathering each Sunday at 7 PM GMT to focus on accelerating the liberation of our Solar System and the triggering of the EVENT.

“The Light Forces have said that the number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the timing of the Event.”

It’s been a productive week for the White Hats and Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. I will give some links and headlines from around the world that indicate that the balance of power is rapidly shifting from the criminal syndicates (who have controlled the surface population and all societal intstitutions for millennia) into the hands of those who pledge to serve the needs of Humanity at large. Below are a few examples of historic change. Continue reading

Weekly EVENT Meditation — Reminder and Update


Alia’s Comments: I have spoken several times of “Quantum Voting,” a term I use to describe what I consider to be a highly effective, largely unrecognized (and definitely undervalued) method of influencing our physical environment or situation.

Too often we think that our stated intention on a particular subject has little or no impact. In my mind, nothing could be further from the truth. Quantum physics teaches us that EVERY thought, feeling and action informs the Quantum Field, omni-directionally — FOREVER!

I also refer to this technique as “armchair activism” because you can exercise this voting option while reclining in your easy chair in front of the TV or even while lying in bed.

What could be easier – right? So why don’t we use this tool more often?

I think that the reason most of us “forget” is due to the fact that we have been thoroughly brainwashed by the “powers that have been” into believing that we are truly powerless as “individuals” to effect any kind of real change. Even those of us who consider ourselves “awake” have a hard time sustaining a steady current of belief that “OUR vote counts.” Continue reading

Weekly EVENT Meditation — Update


Alia’s Comments: Our numbers are growing and momentum is building for COmpression BRA(eak)through or COBRA. Just after last week’s EVENT Meditation, Cobra posted this update on our planetary situation. I found it most encouraging.

Many people are aware that there has been a “shadow government” controlling all aspects of life on our planet. This group is sometimes referred to as “The Powers that Be,” The Illuminati,” or the “Cabal.” Whatever the name, this group of powerful and wealthy elite has infiltrated every aspect of human society for millennia. If the power of this group is threatened in any major way by any individual or “outside” group, that person or organization is quickly thwarted by ridicule, bribery, blackmail, threats of death or in cases such as John F. Kennedy (who was proposing disbanding the Federal Reserve money system and giving the job of printing money back to Congress as originally intended by our Constitution) assassination. These tactics have kept most of the population under control for a good long time.

Fewer people are aware that there is an “Alliance” that has infiltrated the Cabal-run governments, national security agencies, the military and the Pentagon, NATO, The Vatican and most religious organizations — in short, every group the Cabal controls or keeps tabs on. This “Alliance” involves what Cobra refers to as the Light Forces — beings dedicated to liberating our planet from the clutches of the present controllers and giving the People of Earth our rightful place as determiners of our own lives and future. Continue reading

Building Critical Mass for the EVENT

a39d3-signAlia’s Comments: Why are the Weekly Event Meditations important? Why do we need to have a critical mass (144,000 people) meditating in unison, focused on a particular subject (The EVENT)? Why can’t I do this meditation any old time, at my convenience? Why is it important that I focus on this particular matter and not just simply meditate on peace for all beings, for example?

These are questions I have asked myself and you may be asking them also. I have recently renewed my commitment to these Sunday meditations, because I have come to understand that a critical mass (144,000 humans) of the surface population MUST request assistance in A UNIFIED VOICE, in order for the Resistance Movement (made up of Inner Earth and Off-World forces) to have our consent to take any action on the surface of our planet on behalf of Humanity. COBRA has reported previously that the Resistance Movement is  actually “under contract” NOT to operate on the surface UNTIL the time of the EVENT.

I know there are 144,000 Lightworkers and Lightwarriors out there — many times that number in fact — so achieving this should be a no-brainer. HOWEVER — we are a rebellious bunch — independent as they come — and so far, we have not pulled together to get this job done.

It’s time to UNITE and MAKE THIS A SOLID DATE ON OUR CALENDARS and SHOW UP every Sunday at 7 PM GMT until we trigger the EVENT!!! That is 2 PM EST, 1 PM CST and 11 AM PST in the USA. Continue reading