View From the Observation Deck

Whether you are a first time visitor or a long time resident of Aurora, you will never tire of the views from the Observation Deck. Located at the base of the Golden Spire, it slowly rotates, so that a most marvelous overview of the surrounding land can be seen in all 360 degrees  — just by standing or sitting still.  Or you can stroll the promenade, if you wish to see everything more quickly.

Many evenings I have gone up to watch the setting sun (we still refer to it as Sunset, even though we all know that it is Gaia that is turning away from our local Source and supply of warmth and light.) Watching the subtle changes in color and light as Sol shares his last rays over the land and water, the shadows lengthening, the tones deepening — it is a solemn, sacred experience I cherish and carry in my heart each time, until I return for the next one. The openness on the Deck —  the sense of flight I get by being so high above the land and so embraced by the air currents, allows me to release any cares or tensions of my day (there are never more than a few now, if any at all.)

Sometimes I recline in a  deck chair, a beautiful enlivening drink in hand and visit with another witness of this evening ritual. On occasion, I am privileged to encounter a traveler from a distant Star Nation, perhaps one who is visiting for the first time. We sit in companionable silence for long moments, interspersed with telepathic comments so as not to disturb the hush that falls upon Aurora at this hour.  For this is an hour of magic, sacredness and glory that we each honor in our own ways,  giving thanks for the blessings of the day, before shifting into the more celebratory mood of the evening.

Many families gather to watch the sunset before returning home to dine and share the details of their day with one another. Or perhaps, they will dine out tonight or attend a concert or play, if such is being offered. Family time is considered sacred and precious, so most of our citizens choose to return home and enjoy the company of those whom they hold most dear.

Dawn is also a popular time for people to greet the Sun from the Observation Deck. Looking to the east, the Great Sol rises out of the lush River Valley which we call Echadon, meaning Life Giving. The valley is wide and fertile — so many diverse plants and animals thrive there. And each of them also greets our Sun from their valley home. I will give more details of the plants and creatures in future installments. For now, let me say that we share the Land of Gaia with all manner of extraordinary conscious beings who help us to understand Great Nature from their perspective.

To see the first rays of the Sun streaming — beaming — gleaming — over the horizon and meeting your eyes on the Observation Deck is a thrill one remembers for lifetimes. All the power and glory of the new day explodes into your heart, claiming your undivided attention instantly. For a long moment of NOW one is immersed in Source — in Presence — in AWE.

No one speaks — not even a telepathic whisper. At that moment there is only The ONE — The ALL — The I AM PRESENCE. Thus we begin our day from a higher perspective.

Sunset and Sunrise are ritual times to welcome and appreciate our days in Aurora, on Sacred Gaia. But anytime you come up to the Observation Deck you will be richly rewarded. In the full light of day the views are spectacular.  Our vision being so keen now in the 5th, we can see for hundreds of miles in all directions. Watching the ocean liners dock, the Starships arrive, the much smaller Family Travel Modules that have made “vacationing” oh-so-easy for small groups of friends and loved ones — one sees all these vessels of transportation sharing the airways with flocks of colored birds, festive balloons and even exotic flying creatures thought to be extinct from long-ago historical times. Yes Pterodachtyls and Pegasus still exist — AND you can fly on one of them, if you ask nicely.

To the north an immense mountain range rises beyond the rolling foothills of Echadon. Snow-capped, their majestic peaks capture clouds, as well as the beautiful colors of the morning and evening sunlight. On their slopes grow the stately evergreens of every variety known on Gaia, as well as plantings brought from distant galaxies. Gaia has once again become a Living Library, a sacred planet, where samples of All Life are treasured and stored for all Beings to delight in and interact with. There are lovely retreats and temples in these mountains, and many of our guests use Aurora as a “base camp” on their way to these places of pilgrimage. Pilgrims often go on foot,while staying in these retreats, as it is one of the greatest pleasures to walk barefoot directly on the soil and grass of Gaia. No offense to the cushiony marble walkways of Aurora but there is nothing that can compare with the sensation of touching one’s bare skin to the skin of Our Beloved Mother. Hillsides carpeted with flowers, mountain meadows filled with birds and butterflies, bubbling brooks bounding down a steep slope and the AIR — the richest — purest — softest — most fragrant air you will ever breathe anywhere on any planet in any UNIVERSE. How far we’ve come, Dear Ones. How very far we’ve come!

Looking West Through Echadon Toward the Lemurian Sea

To the east is Echadon, the broad River Valley of Life. The great river flows steadily westward to the Lemurian Sea. Along the way it sings, it dances, it plays, it ambles, it rumbles, it rushes. Echadon is bordered on the south by gently sloping hills that eventually become drier as they ultimately give way to the southern desert. But let’s savor the beauty and romance of Echadon, as seen from the great height of the Observation Deck. As its name implies, Echadon is teaming with life. The trees in this environment are the marvelous big-leafed ones that grow in the more temperate environments. They do not drop their leaves here but they do turn those outrageous colors we all loved in many parts of our former world during the season we used to call “autumn.” As nothing dies on Gaia, the leaves stay attached, unless they choose to “give themselves” to the plant eaters in the valley as food. This is by agreement and all life is honored and respected, so there is continual appreciation between species — those who eat and those who give up their lives to become food. Great herds graze on the grassy plains, the gentle sloping hills and the steeper foothills leading to the northern mountains. All animals have become (or returned to being) vegetarians, so no longer do the former prey animals flee from their former predators. Therefore, you will see lions and zebras grazing next to one another, and humans sharing trails and water holes with all manner of creatures without fear or any kind. In fact, travelers and local residents enjoy the opportunity to interact and converse with these highly intelligent and highly conscious beings, who have joyfully agreed to reside here as part of the Living Library, rather than return to their native planets. However, looking down from the Deck, these intimate encounters are not part of your experience, rather you are struck by the great variety and harmony of All Life that calls Echadon Home.

Water Temple in Echadon

As you walk the promenade of the Deck toward the south, or let it gradually rotate you to that direction, you see the arid expanse of the Southern Desert. Sometimes people question why there would be an entire quadrant dedicated to desert? At first they see only desolation, dry land, little water. As we can create our landscape any way we wish, why would the collective of Aurora decide to give so much space to something that looks so barren? There are several reasons; let me explain.

Looking South into the Great Desert
Image Credit: Google

Following the last days of the 26,000 year cycle of duality, at the beginning of our new Galactic Year, Earth Humans learned of our strange and distorted history. Through ruthless destruction and inter-galactic wars, much of Gaia had been abused so harshly in the interest of conquest and profit for the greedy few, that many places on our beautiful world had become deserts. Animals, plants and people suffered and died as a result of such disrespect of Our Mother. The desert areas were further maligned as worthless tracts of land and abandoned. They lay uninhabited except by the most hardy and adaptable species or the millions of exiled humans who had fled their homeland during the final decades of civil war. By the end there were very few species that could survive in such an unloved and unwanted environment. So the first reason that our collective gave for portioning one whole quarter of our surrounding territory to be desert was to restore honor and practice stewarding what had been unloved before. As you look out into the Southern Desert, you will notice green places, oases, where water holes, desert palms and lush Savannah grasses have appeared. This is the beginning of our collective restoration which will eventually turn most of this desert into a tropical rainforest. But for now, we maintain most of this sector in its desert state to help us remember what can happen when we disrespect the land and her inhabitants or when we give way to violent actions as a means of resolving conflict. Meanwhile, we appreciate the subtle beauty of this arid land, its grand mesas rising up from the sandy floor, its cacti and succulent flora that attract the most exotic animals and fascinating insects — all of them conscious participants in our New Reality.

Which brings us to the second reason our collective chose to leave a quarter of our landscape in desert form. Over the last centuries of the last Galactic Year that ended in December of that prophetic year of 2012, many of the desert animals had been demonized, in particular the reptiles. True, there were pockets of indigenous Peoples that revered the serpents, the lizards, the dragons and the alligators and crocodiles but the majority of Earth Humans were terrified of these creatures and had been educated to hate them and kill them on sight. For this reason, we felt strongly that all of these species should be given a place to live that would provide the special habitats that they required to live happy and peaceful lives, free from fear of survival but even more than that, they would feel honored, respected and loved for their great wisdom and natural intelligence. Let me be clear there are no longer any poisonous or carnivorous species on Gaia. Those species that could not adapt to the frequencies of love that are the foundation of the 5th Dimension did not make the transition with us; they are someplace else, not here. So, although there was still some hesitation among us humans who had lived on Earth during those last years of duality, to interact with a serpent, or a Komodo Dragon, or have a conversation with an alligator, we quickly overcame our caution upon realizing that these outcasts of our hearts had so many things to share with us about their experiences on Earth, as well as their ancient scientific civilization that has developed genetic research to an artform and can recite generation upon generation of their personal and collective family genealogies.

Tortoise Habitat

Most of us sat with our mouths agape when we first visited these amazing beings in their natural habitats. Now many of us spend wonderful times with all these new friends, learning and sharing and working with them to improve their environment. The Crocs and the Allis are requesting that we add more water — they do love things wet and humid, so we are beginning to step up our transition of the desert to provide more swamps and places for them to relax and swim. It is a process for us to learn what it means to “steward” the land and collaborate with species who are very different in appearance from us and who, until recently, were looked upon as inferior by us. Fortunately, our Galactic Family is assisting us with meditations and translations (although we are all telepathic now and that helps a lot.) Still, there seems to be some residue in our consciousness (cellular memory?) particularly among those of us who lived many decades on Earth prior to our Ascension. Thus it is our responsibility to identify and release these old attitudes and judgments within ourselves that no longer serve the Whole. Our reptilian friends have been most compassionate and that has made our re-education much easier.

Honoring the Mineral Kingdom
Image Credit: Google

The third reason we as a collective have agreed to maintain this expanse of desert environment around our most glorious City of Light is to give all of us an extended opportunity to learn about and appreciate a much undervalued sentient kingdom of the natural world — the Mineral Kingdom. Most of us were too busy surviving on our 3D world to be able to slow down and match the pace of the rocks, gems, sand and earth that we encountered. Most of us assumed that these elements were “dead,” non-living aspects of our physical world. Even those of us who took special pleasure or fascination in the Mineral Kingdoms were more interested in them for their monetary value, our ability to use them to build with, to recreate on or possess as a real estate asset. Of course, once again, our indigenous brothers and sisters understood the spirits of this kingdom and passed on their traditions of honoring and respecting the innate value and spiritual essence of each element but their influence stayed mostly within their own cloistered worlds. Little of this rich heritage trickled out into the greater body of humanity to educate the global mind. Therefore, we have allowed for everyone who wishes NOW to relate directly to the mineral world to have this opportunity. We have many projects going in the desert where residents and visitors alike may participate in an exchange of knowledge. Most of these projects are not about changing anything, “improving” the desert, making it more “green” or more “livable.” Most of our desert projects are about giving people the space and the “time” to commune with these ancient, sentient Beings of the Mineral Kingdom and honor them with our respect, our attention, our love and our appreciation. These are lengthy projects and we feel no hurry to complete them. By engaging deeply with one another, both the Human and Mineral Kingdoms will find a natural pace in which to evolve.

Looking westward you see the Great Lemurian Sea upon whose shores our Crystal City resides. In ancient times the Island Continent of Mu or Lemuria occupied much of what is now the ocean that bears its name. Parts of the sunken land mass did rise from the Pacific depths during the Transition in the first years of the new Galactic Cycle but most of that was in the Southern Hemisphere, except for the islands of Hawaii that expanded several times in size, combining several of the islands into one larger one and pushing the volcanic mountains higher into the atmosphere. But from Aurora, looking west, all you can see is water — luminous, phosphorescent, opalescent Lemurian blue. We call it that, because this color blue never existed in our old 3rd Dimension and we had no name for it when we first encountered it in the 5th.

There are great ocean liners that take Gaia’s citizens and inter-Galactic travelers on tours across these great waters where one can visit other Cities of Light.The liners are floating cities with many of the luxuries that former cruise ships provided in the 3rd,  except that now every person has the same privilege of enjoying such a voyage, it is not merely an experience for the very wealthy. Everyone is equally wealthy here and entitled to experience whatever their heart desires at any time, for as long as they choose to have that experience. And so, many do avail themselves of such pleasure and take long, leisurely voyages, sometimes just for the pleasure of being on the water, enjoying the marine life which has returned exponentially to the pristine oceans of our New World. One day I will give this experience to myself and share my travels with you all. For now though, I want to stay with the view of our idyllic Lemurian Sea from the Observation Deck.

Lemurian blue — an ever-changing hue, unknown to us in the 3rd but instantly “remembered” upon first sight. As the sunlight moves over the waters, the Lemurian Sea undergoes continual “personality changes.” Sometimes the blue has a purple character, at other times the surface shines so brilliantly you might think the water is made of liquid gold. There are days when the ocean looks like it wears stripes — of teal blue, magenta blue, silver blue, peach blue – is that possible? Like looking into a fire, you are drawn in, captivated by this kaleidoscopic display of light and color. I have sat for hours, mesmerized by the rolling liquid palette. When you add the additional color modifiers of luminosity, phosphorescence and opalescence to the mix, you are treated to an infinite, rarely repeated, rapturous, rhythmic color spectacle that brings travelers from all over Gaia and from throughout the Universe to witness this masterpiece of The Creator.

The Luminous Lemurian Sea
Source Unknown

Accompanying the color is the sound element of the sea. The waves no longer crash and break violently on our shores. They do, however, have a great rolling movement that carries sound from long distances. Often we are treated to the songs of the cetaceans, who now roam freely without fear of being slaughtered for food and oil. Their voices break the surface, as do their bodies, and their joyous calls float across the waters and inspire us to sing and dance as well. Sounds of the Collectives from other Cities of Light waft through the air, gently moved along on the undulating currents of the Lemurian Sea. These “songs” from other cities bring us a reassurance that harmony prevails throughout our world. Between the movement of the sound and color, you feel as though you are being cradled and cuddled in the softest blankets while being sung the sweetest lullaby.

Watching the creatures of the sea play and travel is a pure delight for all inhabitants and visitors. Pods of whales and dolphins freely express their joyful spirits, “performing” for all to see in their natural habitats. No more cages or pools. No more jumping through hoops for fish. No more being stared at by gawking spectators, unconscious of the marvelous intelligence in front of them. Thus, they are free to leave our waters and go where their spirits lead them. It is therefore always considered a special blessing when they share their playful natures within view of Aurora.

Many aeroships arrive from the west, docking into the Transport Hub. It is always an amazing sight to see them approach, day or night. Hardly a sound is heard, perhaps a slight whir or a hum but the craft are wondrous to behold. Their gleaming presence is felt even before they are seen. The ships themselves are conscious beings, who possess their own intelligence. In the daylight, they express this consciousness by extending their shining metallic energy fields in all directions. It is an aura actually, but the ships, being metallic, emit a soft glowing hue of silver, gold, copper and metallic mixtures that hold you spellbound by their beauty. By night the craft have running lights and landing lights that flash different colors as they approach the Transport Hub.  On holidays our aeroships and hover craft put on a show for us sporting all manner of colored lights, flashing and accenting the lines of the ships. We enjoy this more than fireworks, because there are no explosive sounds.

For many visitors, the Observation Deck is the first stop upon arriving in Aurora. The panoramic “Big Picture” extends as far as the eye can see. For our citizens the Observation Deck is one of our touchstones that anchors our hearts and minds to the unspeakable beauty of our beloved City of Light. Each time we take the elevator or a Hover Disc up to the Deck, we experience a mini-Ascension, a joyous reminder of the miraculous transformation we made beginning at the end of 2012 and continuing into the first years of the New Cycle. Each time we look out upon the Land of Gaia, as seen from the Observation Deck, we know that our hard-won victories in duality brought us to a place of freedom, joy, peace, compassion and unconditional love within ourselves that in turn brought us into the New Reality that now stretches out before us in every direction.

Continued . . .  “My Home in Aurora”

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3 thoughts on “View From the Observation Deck

  1. I just entered paradise and was transported into a beautiful world.
    Since reading your first post Alia.. I have gone to bed thinking of this wonderful place..

    Today I slept this afternoon after a morning of hard work in the gardens. My dreams took me to a place I can only describe as a healing place filled with Light and love. Such beautiful music.. like tiny bells..
    I awoke with a theme of music which is in the charts right now. I turned on the radio and would you know it the same song was playing..
    It was called Symphony,, 🙂 We are all part of the orchestra of Life… Each now tuning our instruments ready to play…

    Love and Light my friend and thank you again for this amazing journey, I will be back to read more very soon xxx ❤

    • Dear Sue — As Tomas and I were preparing lunch today, my mind drifted off to the episode of Aurora that describes my home there. I realized that even without all the advanced tech that makes life there much more free from everyday tasks, I feel as content right here, right now as I feel when I visit my home in Aurora. Tears came to my eyes; I felt so grateful. Thanks for visiting and receiving the beauty and love of that world that is waiting for all of us who choose it.

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