Education in Aurora — Part I

The Act of Process of Educating

The Act or Process of Educating

The Free Online Dictionary suggests the following definitions for the word “education:”  Several of these meanings certainly represented our ideas of what was to be accomplished in our old paradigm educational systems, where a child was considered a ‘blank slate” to be filled up with proven facts and ideas, cultural concepts and societal norms, so as to be a “good little cog in the wheel of global consumerism.”  Oh, how differently we approach education in the higher realms!

1. The act or process of educating or being educated.
2. The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process.
3. A program of instruction of a specified kind or level: driver education; a college education.
4. The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning.
5. An instructive or enlightening experience: Her work in the inner city was a real education.

Imagine yourself as an expectant parent. Before you go off into fantasies of choosing names and fixing up nurseries, dealing with extreme body changes or labor and delivery classes, allow your mind to quiet and consider this:

You and your partner have been stabilizing your relationship for well over two hundred years in order to meet the minimum requirements for becoming parents. You have taken final vows (similar to those taken by monastics in a religious order) to continue together in partnership until one or both of you is ready to complete this current embodiment, which may be many more hundreds or even thousands of years. Are you still with me?

Pre-Incarnation Cousel with Guides

Spirit Being in Counsel with Guides

Consider further that the decision to bring a new being into your community is not the absent-minded decision of two people but rather a fully conscious choice that is made not only by you, the prospective parents, but by all the generations of your family living at the time (including  any siblings of this child-to-be) plus the Council members who represent your community. Also included in this conscious decision process would be the educational director of your community and the Guides and Mentors of the incoming Being, the guides for whom will be both incarnate (within your group Pod) and dis-incarnate (from the world of spirit.)

It is within these deliberations, prayer sessions, counsel meetings and celebration rituals that the education of an incoming child begins. In other words, a child’s education begins prior to conception. It is a somber yet celebratory process. It can take years or decades to complete. Of course, there is no time in the higher realms, so it doesn’t seem that long to us but there is a sequence that continues for some duration in order to ensure that the incoming soul is truly provided for by the community he or she will bless with his/her entry.

This incoming Being of Light is by no means a blank slate. Over many lifetimes this soul has amassed a tremendous body of knowledge, has developed unique skills and is gifted with innate talents that have been developing for perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands of years. The question must be answered: “Can this community provide a ‘growth environment’ for this being? Are the potential parents strong enough in their development to provide the nurturing and the space of allowance for this being to continue to add to this body of knowledge and/or develop new gifts and abilities according to the Soul Plan that is being proposed by the incoming Being in counsel with his or her Guides?” These things and more are being considered, before the parents are blessed to conceive the child being.

A matching up is occurring, similar to the matching that was done for organ donors and recipients in the Old Third. Except, as you can see, this is a much more extensive process.  However, remembering the meticulousness of that former process and the waiting period that patients and families endured will give you a small idea of what is being considered regarding the education of any “child” that enters Aurora.

All children are considered true blessings from Source/Creator and thus the entire community will take part in the education of any new Being that is birthed here. Likewise, the entire community will be enhanced by the talents, skills and abilities that this new one brings with it or develops newly as a result of the talent, skills and abilities of the residents who are already here. There is reciprocity in all relationships; the match must be a perfect one.

Thus begins the education of our children in Aurora. There are about 15,000 young beings in our City of Light. These ones in younger bodies range in age from newly born to 19 solar cycles. Our “children” grow more rapidly, not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually than children in the lower dimensions. After 19 solar cycles have been reached, these beings often appear to be 25 – 35 years of age and are close in size to their adult counterparts. They are by no means considered mature or full grown but they have completed a certain phase of their growth and nurturing by their parents and the community. At this point they are usually ready to take their next steps.

These next steps may include leaving Aurora to take more advanced training on a Ship of the Galactic Federation, attend a University on another planet or in another City of Light on Gaia. At this stage, there are many new options but in this chapter I am going to speak about the education process we offer our young citizens who have lived less than 19 solar cycles. In order to do this I will introduce you to more members of Alai’s and my family here in Aurora.

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