Weekly EVENT Meditation — Update


Alia’s Comments: Our numbers are growing and momentum is building for COmpression BRA(eak)through or COBRA. Just after last week’s EVENT Meditation, Cobra posted this update on our planetary situation. I found it most encouraging.

Many people are aware that there has been a “shadow government” controlling all aspects of life on our planet. This group is sometimes referred to as “The Powers that Be,” The Illuminati,” or the “Cabal.” Whatever the name, this group of powerful and wealthy elite has infiltrated every aspect of human society for millennia. If the power of this group is threatened in any major way by any individual or “outside” group, that person or organization is quickly thwarted by ridicule, bribery, blackmail, threats of death or in cases such as John F. Kennedy (who was proposing disbanding the Federal Reserve money system and giving the job of printing money back to Congress as originally intended by our Constitution) assassination. These tactics have kept most of the population under control for a good long time.

Fewer people are aware that there is an “Alliance” that has infiltrated the Cabal-run governments, national security agencies, the military and the Pentagon, NATO, The Vatican and most religious organizations — in short, every group the Cabal controls or keeps tabs on. This “Alliance” involves what Cobra refers to as the Light Forces — beings dedicated to liberating our planet from the clutches of the present controllers and giving the People of Earth our rightful place as determiners of our own lives and future. Continue reading