Bodacious Sunrise and Two Meditation Events

It’s Sun-day, January 4th. There are two meditation events today that I encourage you to join.

The first event is the Meditation for Planetary Liberation at 3PM UTC.

The second event is The Gathering at the Pond with Aisha North at 8PM UTC.

These are global gatherings — energy focal points — that offer opportunities to unite the Human Collective. Please join if your heart is called to be at either or both of these events.

My friend, Val Robitai, sent me this outrageous sunrise from her home on the Mediterranean in Morocco. Thank you Val. What a way to begin the day and honor Sun-day!

Mediterranean Sunrise

Mediterranean Sunrise

Sunrise and Sunset

Rising from the Mediterranean

Rising from the Mediterranean

We have moved from a place where the sun sets over the Pacific Ocean to a location where it rises right out of the Mediterranean Sea. Before I left Oregon, I looked at a map and tried to imagine where the sun would rise in Aouchtam. I couldn’t figure it out. Even now my mind is convinced this should not be possible. However, my heart is absolutely delighted about being able to greet Father Sol very first thing in the morning, fresh from his morning bath in the Sea.



The placid nature  of this body of water is very different than the crashing, turbulent qualities of the Pacific Ocean. There were days, of course, where we witnessed “our” ocean looking like a lake but those days were rare. Occasionally, at low tide we would hear that gentle lapping of waves upon the shore that has become the norm here.  And instead of witnessing the crescent moon just after her New Moon phase, we will get to see that crescent hanging over the eastern horizon just prior to the New Moon. Easy to see how the crescent became a prominent symbol in these parts. Blessings and love from Sunrise to Sunset.

Sunset over the Pacific from Southern Oregon

Sunset over the Pacific from Southern Oregon