Sowing Seeds of God on the New Timeline

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh

Alia’s Comments: Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the world’s most beloved teachers and practitioners of Zen Buddhism. Tomas posts many of his teachings on New Earth Heartbeat. Recently, Tomas read me the passage below and I recognized it as the guiding principle of my 2015 blog focus.

Every moment we have a choice: Will I choose to seed the Kingdom of God? Will I choose to sow the seeds of “hell?” Both paradigms exist, because WE choose to energize them at any given moment. The choice seems simple but ingrained habits of energizing the world of illusion make it seem difficult. So often we habitually or unconsciously choose to plant the seeds that feed suffering, destruction, obstacles to our creativity, barriers to heart-full relationships with those we love. However, we equally have the choice to energize the Kingdom of God by sowing the seeds of peace, love, joy and compassion. Continue reading