Performance at the Holodome — Part II

This week’s excursion into Aurora, 5D City of Light takes us through the completion of this series about the  holographic history lesson/performance at the Holodome with my extended family. If you missed last week’s lead in to this event, you can catch that here. And if you missed the description of the Holodome itself, you can read about it here. Once again, let your imagination engage with this portrayal of life in the 5th Dimension. Remember that imagination is 5th Dimensional thinking. If yours goes off on its own tangent during the play, bravo! You’ve just laid down the energetic track for your own version of 5D reality. Enjoy the conclusion (for now at least) of the Holodome cycle.

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We are not waiting for a curtain to rise in the Holodome, as the audience encircles the stage; it is theater in the round. Instead, the lights go out for one minute prior to the performance. We sit in complete blackness.  This minute is a sacred moment for the audience, the actors, the technicians (and anyone else involved in the performance) to attune ourselves with one another. Like an orchestra tuning its instruments, we come into harmonic resonance as ONE before any event begins. We are all going on this adventure together. We will indeed be time traveling into ancient history. The anticipation is palpable and it is important for all of us to stay grounded. I bring my emotions into a calmer frequency. The energy in the auditorium is deepening and quieting. Ahhh, we are harmonized. We are ready to begin our journey to Lemuria.
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Aurora — 5D City of Light — Performance at the Holodome — Part I

This week we continue to explore Aurora, a 5D City of Light, by getting ready to attend a performance at the Holodome. If you missed last week’s description of the Holodome, you can read about it here.  Each time we engage our imaginations by reading descriptions such as these episodes of Aurora, we are actively co-creating the 5th Dimension. Each time we let ourselves wonder what life might be like in the higher realms, we “lay down” another energetic layer of potential that is linking with every other similar possibility. One day our thoughts will have enough collective power to manifest before our eyes. We do not all have to see things exactly the same way; there is plenty of room for variances. The important thing is that we allow our thoughts to activate the codes and blueprints that our cells have carried for this present time.  So relax and let your imagination carry you to time and place that has always existed and yet, is also being created newly, even as you read.
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Aurora — 5D City of Light — The Holodome

Dear Hearts of my WordPress Community: Today, Tomas and I are traveling to California to welcome home my younger son who has been overseas for two and a half years with the Army, stationed on Okinawa. Not in a war zone, thankfully! I have been doing my “Mom” thing, cooking and baking his favs and planning the trip and the items to pack. I thank all of you who have kindly stopped by and “liked” and commented on my posts. I regret that I have not returned your visits of late. I have missed you, as I do love to drop in and say “Hello” to all you beautiful blogger friends. It will be another five days or so before you “see” me again but I promise I will come by again beginning next week. Meanwhile, enjoy this week’s excursion into Aurora. ♥  ♥  ♥

A Place Holder until I find an Image That Resembles What I have Imagined

A Place Holder until I find an Image That Resembles What I have Imagined

When I mentioned “the domed amphitheater that seats tens of thousands” in my introduction to Aurora, I did not name this architectural marvel correctly. It is more appropriately called The Holodome. Situated on the lower level of Aurora next to the main plaza, it is part of the central complex of gathering places and is the only building specifically constructed to accommodate all of Aurora’s 50,000 or so citizens and guests at one time. We will be attending a performance there tonight but first, let me tell you some wondrous things about this facility.
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