Stepping Away — for Now

Dear Readers,

As the title suggests, I am steeping away from blogging indefinitely. The “for Now” leaves the option of returning at some unknown time in the future. I do like to keep my options open and I also like to avoid burning bridges whenever possible. This decision was not made lightly; in some ways, it feels like I am “admitting defeat.” I started this blog in July 2012, when many of us Lightworkers thought that Ascension was “just around the corner.” Nine years later, the planet remains enslaved, although I do believe that our liberation is much closer than it was in 2012. Many of us are exhausted from “Holding the Light”, working on ourselves and enduring the physical impact of this evolutionary process that is slowly but surely transforming our heavy carbon-based bodies into silicon-based, bodies of Light (homo luminus). It is an awesome but sometimes gruesome process that none of us could have imagined 25 years ago. Or even nine years ago.

In early April I had a breakdown of sorts; I could no longer sustain all the wonderful activities that I wanted to engage in. There were simply not enough hours in the day or enough energy in my body to keep up the pace. I was miserable and so was Tomas, who was in the direct path of Hurricane Alia and finally called a halt to my insanity. Over the next month or so, I began to map out a more realistic agenda for myself and my world. I was pretty clear that blogging was on the chopping block but I couldn’t take the step to post this “last” post and sign off from a part of my life that has had so much meaning, allowed me so much personal expression and brought me into connection with so many wonderful people from every part of the planet. I just couldn’t do it!

Until last night. Tomas shared with me a video that David Icke recently produced that simply and elegantly sums of the path forward. We have a simple choice to make: we can choose Love or Fear — in each moment. Simple but not necessarily easy. But this is the work of Ascension, from now until we metamorphose into the crystalline butterflies that we are destined to become. I am sharing this beautiful message that reminds us and reinforces the simplicity of our Ascension process.

So for each of you — long-time friends or first-time readers — I leave you with this jewel of a tool, courtesy of David Icke. Choose Love in as many NOW moments as you can and we WILL make this evolutionary leap.


The second piece of essential Ascension information that I leave you with comes from the Pleiadians through Michael Love. I have believed that our cells are making this transformation from carbon to crystalline for decades. However, I’ve been very curious to know exactly HOW this is happening. Perhaps some of you have also wondered about this process. Well, after the David Icke video arrived, I read THIS POST in the wee hours of this morning. It was the other part of the message that I want to leave you with. The two of these messages together are pure gold, in my mind. The Pleiadian message is as complex as David Icke’s video message is simple. The Pleiadians lay it out for us in very technical terms just how our bodies are metamorphosing from the chrysalis stage into the glorious butterfly. In fact, I read in a previous message that our human bodies are DESIGNED to transform into higher-dimensional versions simply by us being in acceptance of the incoming high-frequency Light. Our highly intelligent bodies understand what to do with this Light, once we say “Yes!” to receiving it.

My Dear Readers — this is my best departing shot at Ascension advice: Choose LOVE in as many NOW moments as we can, and understand and allow the miraculous metamorphosis within our bodies to carry us forward. I sign off with love and best wishes to each of you, as you travel your unique Ascension path. I am in deep gratitude for each of you who is on this Great Cosmic Adventure with me. Goodbye for now, Alia

Continue to Choose LOVE!

Welcome the LIGHT!

Know that our bodies HAVE this!


We’re almost HOME!



Lorie Ladd: With Light and Breath — We Can Heal Anything!

Below is a short segment of a longer guided journey that Lorie posted on her Patreon account for her subscribers. The essence of their message: You can heal any trauma with your Light and your Breath. I’ve tried this and can affirm that it works.

Recently, I’ve been assailed by images that pop into my mind, uninvited and unannounced. They are dark images that often have to do with torture. Not pleasant, and my body and mind tend to recoil from these images so quickly, that I am unable to “grab onto them” long enough to process them. Until I heard this message.

Since I took in the message, I have successfully cleared several images, in only the time it takes to breathe in Light and breathe out the image. So I’m sharing this very short (5 minute) video with you trusting that it will assist those who may need the information. If you wish to check out the full guided journey, Lorie’s Patreon information will be under the video.

Blessings on your Journey, Alia

Experience the Guided Journey: LINK BELOW ➡

What Does It Mean: “Hold the Light,” “Trust the Plan,” “Focus on the BIG Picture”?

For the past couple of weeks we’ve been in a “news blackout.” Have you noticed that your usually reliable sources have vanished? Or the “news” that is being delivered is ambiguous at best and not all that reassuring? I’ll be honest, this is a tough assignment for us Boots-on-the-Ground Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who volunteered for this mission so enthusiastically, so sure that we could complete it without fail. Where is my certainty NOW?

I am told that I was warned prior to making my commitment. I was told that I would have to reach deep inside of myself to be my own “news” source, especially near the conclusion of the assignment when any information about specific operations of the Light could be intercepted by the dark and used to foil the Plan. I guess I thought to myself at that time that my connection to Source would see me through. Ha! What utter folly and underestimation of the control mechanisms on this planet! And yet, somehow, I am not only surviving but thriving in these times of tumult and disinformation/no-information by reaching deep inside myself and touching in with my very own connection to Source — tentative as it is.

So I thought I’d share a few of my own strategies for “holding the Light,” “trusting the Plan”, and “focusing on the BIG Picture,” with the intention of bringing hope and encouragement to those of you who might be struggling in these arenas of your own personal journey.

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Two Lorie Ladd Videos to Help Us Navigate These Times

Dear Readers,

What amazing times we are in! Each NOW moment offers us both ecstasy and agony, ours for the choosing. The incoming energies have been so intense lately that my physical body regularly feels drained and exhausted. Suddenly, I feel as though a plug has been pulled and all my energy drains out of me in minutes. I often wake up feeling rested and full of energy, only to head back to bed for a nap two hours later. I’m sure that some of you can relate.

Especially the elders among us, who came in with heavy carbon-based bodies that are gradually (but actually at warp speed in the grand scheme of things) converting to crystalline structures, are feeling the intensity and the effort it takes to allow this process. I sometimes judge myself for not being able to “perform” at the level I used to (like last year) or think I should be able to. Then I suffer (agony). When I can accept and allow the process to go at its own pace and take its own form, then my mind relaxes and my body sighs in surrender to this transformational process akin to the caterpillar becoming the butterfly (ecstasy).

I believe this is truly the most exciting moment of history to be alive and awake on Planet Earth! We are in that part of the play/movie that is tumultuous, uncertain, scary at times and very intense. We are assured that the Light has already won and we will eventually experience that NOW moment when we KNOW this and FEEL this. But we have no idea how many more NOW moments of tumult, uncertainty and intensity will be ours before that glorious ending arrives in OUR time, merging with the “continuum” in which the victory has already occurred. lol

The real “kicker” is that it is up to us — the Human Collective — to determine how fast or slow we get to that victorious moment! What?! You mean WE actually have something to do with the duration of this period of “limbo” that seems to drag on endlessly? Yes indeedy — we are in control.

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