When the Personal Meets the Collective

Hello There Ascension Trekkers,

My YouTube “friend” and Guide for Ascension — Lorie Ladd — saved me from myself one more time this week with her video intriguingly titled: “The Next five Months and Four Steps to Assist You Through Them.” Yeah. Required watching for anyone who has fallen into the trap of thinking that what they are feeling IS PERSONAL!

This week I fell full force into that trap and struggled mightily for a few days before realizing that what I thought was a personal issue (it came beautifully packaged, looking so perfectly selected “just for me”) was ACTUALLY something that millions of humans in the Collective are now feeling to the point of depression, despair, and, in some cases, suicide.

That experience appeared in the form of “I’m paddling as hard as I can and I still feel like I’m ‘going under'”. Of course there were piles of evidence in my daily life to substantiate the “truth” of this. Last evening, after another week of failing to meet my weekly requirement of business hours, and sharing my frustration with Tomas about not being able to get my work done no matter how hard I tried, it suddenly occurred to me that this experience might be what I was supposed to be alchemizing for the Collective! Duh?! Do ya think? Immediately the heaviness that I had felt for weeks, vanished. I knew that I had hit pay dirt.

Then I remembered the Lorie Ladd video that I had watched only a day before that outlined the Four Steps that I could take to turn this sinking feeling into the Light of Higher Consciousness for my own and the Collective Ascension process.

Here are the Four Steps for the next Five Months:

  1. FEEL the feelings that you are experiencing without identifying with them.
  2. OBSERVE yourself feeling a 3D consciousness
  3. REMEMBER — this feeling will not last forever; this too shall pass.
  4. ASK “Who AM I?” “Who AM I, REALLY? — I AM a Sovereign Being; I AM light. I AM NOT these programs and paradigms that are being presented to me. I AM A Light Warrior, here to alchemize these disintegrating programs and paradigms of an old worn-out system that has been in place for millennia and is now dissolving in the presence of the intense LIGHT of Higher Consciousness. I AM  here to help  SHIFT this old system into a whole new paradigm.

This morning I spent half of my morning meditation practice alchemizing this dark, dense, terrorizing 3D consciousness for myself and the Collective. I feel a whole lot better now. I invite you to watch this gem of a tutorial from Lorie and try it for yourself the next time one of these 3D surprise packages arrives at your door, looking like it was wrapped up with only you in mind.

Look at it and say: HA! Thank you very much for the reminder; I will begin alchemizing you IMMEDIATELY! And trek on with your day.

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